Feb 12, 2007

Learning Disabilities in South Carolina

Today I received my winter edition of the Pro Parents newsletter. There were some interesting statistics in it regarding learning disabilities in S.C.

  • There are 108,756 children in South Carolina receiving special education services.
  • Most (47,412) of the students receiving special education services in S.C. are served under the disability category of learning disability.
  • The next highest disability category is speech/language, serving 21,193 students.

My nine year old son falls into the LD category. I was amazed to find out that the majority of special education students are receiving services for the same condition. As compared to the "normal" student population my son is in the minority. However, as compared to the special education population, he is in the "norm."

For more U.S. statistics you can visit the following links:


  1. The most comprehensive source for counts of students with disabilities in the US is the U.S. Department of Education's Annual Report to Congress required by IDEA. Since the 1970s, every state education agency has been required to count the number of children (by disability, age, gender, etc.) served in public schools and report those counts to the federal government. The Annual Reports have published these data. The most recent one is available for free at


  2. johnl,
    Thanks for the information!


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