May 4, 2007

Dyscalculia Resource

My LD son suffers with dyscalculia, difficulty in learning and/or comprehending math. He has struggled with math from the beginning. Learning the value of numbers took an unusually long time. Addition and subtraction were difficult concepts for him to grasp as well. Now multiplication is his nemesis. The whole abstract concept of math is just too much for his LD mind to comprehend. Therefore, I am always on the look out for ways to help him. I recently came across a site that I think can do just that.

This is, the website built on our belief that learning is naturally fun. With the right expectation and approach, anyone can enjoy learning. But since each of us is unique, we each must find our own best way to learn. ....Here you will find books, products, and ideas that our family has used to make learning fun for each one of us.

So, if your child suffers with dyscalculia, or is just having difficulty with
math, you may want to check out

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