Nov 29, 2007

ADHD & Marriage

While the majority of my posts on this blog deal with childhood and teen ADHD, I recently came across something that I wanted to share. Dr. Ned Hallowell, a fellow ADHDer, has created a new blog entitled ADHD & Marriage. He and co-author, Melissa Orlov, tackle such topics as:

You can sign up to have new posts emailed to you right from their home page. They also offer several ways to sign up for their RSS feed on their home page. If you, your spouse, or both of you are struggling with ADHD in your marriage I would highly recommend you visit the ADHD and Marriage blog.

1 comment:

  1. I just surfed into your blog for the first time after Googling around for ADHD blogs on I'm glad you're writing about it, and particularly appreciate the post for adults (even though marriage is the last thing on my mind right now).

    I'm just starting a no-holds-barred blog about my career experiences with ADHD. If you know of anyone with similar struggles, please send them my way, because I find that sharing experiences helps me immensely.

    Thanks for your efforts to educate parents about ADHD!


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