Jul 25, 2007

Ten Tips for Parents of Who Have an LD Child

Family Education has a wonderful section all about learning disabilities. While browsing through the site I came across an article entitled "Top Ten Tips for Parents Who Have a Child with LD." I wanted to pass this information on to you as I think it is quite valuable. I have listed the ten tips below.

  1. Learn all you can about the disability.
  2. Keep in contact with your child's teacher(s).
  3. Keep a profile of what your child does well.
  4. Help your child understand the effect the learning disability will have on him/her in school as well as socially.
  5. Help your child get organized.
  6. Involve your child in extra-curricular activities.
  7. Involve your child in helping someone else.
  8. Keep your expectations for your child high but realistic.
  9. Help your child learn to ask for what they need
  10. Join or form a group of parents with similar situations.

Looking at the above list, I am happy to report that I have managed to accomplish all but one of the tips. The last one, #10, is one that I have not done. I actually looked into forming an ADHD/LD support group at my son's school last fall. I made it as far as the PTA president, who wasn't very receptive. However, I do plan to give it another shot. To read the details associated with each tip, visit Family Education. And, while you're there, browse around their site a bit. They have a number of articles related to learning disabilites. They also have three pages full of free printables (covering numerous topics) available free of charge.

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